Events are held throughout the year that provide opportunities for members of the hemophilia community to gather and discuss common issues in Northern, Central, and Southern Indiana locations. The staff of Hemophilia of Indiana assists in organizing a group, securing a dinner sponsor, and providing leadership and communication tools until the group becomes established. If you would like to attend a support group meeting or learn more about support groups in Indiana, please give the HoII offices a call. Information on groups and meetings is updated regularly on the calendar page. For questions, please contact Angel DiRuzza at 317-570-0039.
Men’s Group – Blood Brotherhood is a national program developed by the Hemophilia Federation of America, for adult men living with hemophilia or von Willebrand disease who are 21 and over. You can also connect with other Blood Brothers online by joining the Blood Brotherhood Facebook Group by contacting Angel DiRuzza (adiruzza@hoii.og) to be added. You can also contact Angel if you would like to be added to the mailing/email list to stay up to date on all Blood Brotherhood meetings.
BleedIN Buddies – Is an online Facebook group of patient and caregivers through out the state on Indiana with Bleeding Disorders. This group is intended to be a safe, secure and fun place for those connected to the bleeding disorders community in Indiana to chat, freely seek advice, and provide encouragement, support, and camaraderie. Email Angel DiRuzza at for more information on how to be added to the BleedIN buddies group.
Latinos Unidos – A group for Spanish-speaking persons and families affected with bleeding disorders, usually, done in collaboration with First Step meetings.