Interested in advocating? Not sure where to start? Use this toolkit to help. It has been designed specifically for the information those with bleeding disorders are interested in most at this time.
Basic Advocacy Resources:
- How a Bill Becomes a Law (PDF)- This document simplifies the process in which a bill becomes a law
- Indiana General Assembly District Lines and Member Listing by District: Diagrams representing the different district lines and the representatives or senators from each.
- House District Lines (PDF)
- Representatives by District (Website)
- Senate District Lines (PDF)
- Senators by District (Website)
Sample Letter to Your Legislator (PDF): Here is an example of a letter one might send to a congressman requesting their help on a variety of issues.
Tips for Writing your Legislator : Never written a letter to your legislator? Use these tips!
Glossary (PDF): Unfamiliar with some of the terms used in publications and forms regarding healthcare reform and insurance policies? Check out this glossary, which defines every need to know healthcare term.
Health Insurance Comparison Guide and Chart: Picking a health insurance plan that best covers you and your families needs is always difficult. Allow this guide to help ease the difficulty and confusion. Below is an easy to use comparison worksheet to help fill in all the information found by using the guide, as well as a chart.
Essential Health Benefits Brief: In association with the new healthcare reform, states now have more control over what will be determined as essential health benefits (EHBs). This issue brief breaks down what should be considered when states are making such decisions.
Essential Health Benefits Advocacy Checklist (PDF): As citizens it is our right to advocate for what we believe should be included in our state’s decision on EHB’s and health care plans. The document below offers a checklist for those who choose to advocate their state’s policy makers.
Essential Health Benefits Talking Points (PDF): Not sure where to actually begin when advocating for EHB’s? Use these helpful talking points to make sure you are “in the know” and ready to contact those responsible for making the decisions.